Inspirational websites and books

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Wax eyes

Wax eyes are a valuable pest controller in your garden and an important pollinator for plants like Fejoa.

It is amazing to watch them moving through the garden eating aphids and other small insects.

These ones are right outside my friends window eating porridge out of a lemon rind.

Friday 20 June 2014


The cousins are here for the holidays again.

So a fire is lit for toasty pie lunch.

Friday 13 June 2014


Fungi are one of the oldest known plants and probably one of the most important.

Their roots or micellium are usually hidden underground and microscopic. They break down minerals and nutrients and make them readily available to other plants. These symbiotic relationships with other plants can extend root systems for kilometers.

Scientists are only just starting to learn about this sensitive and fragile web beneath our feet.

I think we will never full understand everything but can take a tread lightly approach and learn how to read nature and the existing systems.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Wild bee's nest

The Bees have gone but the honey comb is still here. What a strong structure. Built to slow prevailing wind and to hold goodness knows how much honey.

There is usually at least one old bees nest under this bridge.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


This shrub grows all around our house.
We use it as a poultice to bring out infection, in our balms, as a tea.