Inspirational websites and books

Friday 27 January 2017

Bee boxes

I added a little oil based art paint to our natural oil. The colors are still bright after a summer in the sun.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Rat Traps

This is one of our trial rat boxes.
We are going to set up a rat trap line past the garden and orchard and through the bush. The first stage will be around 50 traps.

So far we have had wonderful help with timber off cuts from The Shed Shop in Tauranga. track making and marking from a wonderful woofer and trap monitoring from a friend.

We hope to see better seed strike on the forest floor, an increase in bird life and less grains/seeds taken from the garden.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Te Urewera

One of my favorite places. A three day tramp.

Monday 16 January 2017

Hay stack

Most years we only have the hay cut. We then sped a few days with our pitch forks tuning, wind rowing, and then stacking.

This year we had lots of helpers so the stack grew quickly..

Then went for a well deserved swim.

It is always satisfying to pass the haystack.

Wednesday 11 January 2017


People think this amazing creature is a link between worms and centipedes.

And we found one while digging on the garden track.

Monday 9 January 2017


And all of that fill was compacted into the bathroom.

Saturday 7 January 2017


Digging patrol.

We needed some fill for the new bathroom and to widen the track.

Had lots of people over so..............Thanks!!

Wednesday 4 January 2017

New years kiln

Over Christmas we all made whistles, pots, beads and figurines. On New years eve we built a simple kiln and fired our work. New years day we re-discovered our treasure.